Thursday, April 28, 2011

Zach, Steph & Avery to visit!

My brother-in-law's new job brings a lot of travel for him, and although this isn't usually a good thing, it has enabled us to see much more of him and his beautiful family!  He had some work up here a few weeks ago and we were blessed to be able to have him, "Aunt Steph" and "Cousin Avery"  come along for some play time!  

"Loving" her cousin :)

Haha both caught off guard (Uncle Zach & Avery)

Just a couple of my QTs

Brothers :)

And their girls

Family pic time

"Smile Avery"

More hugs, I promise they weren't all Katey attacking Avery :)

Belly Tickles

Haha Katey asking for some :)

Dancing time!
Warning: The next few pics are just adorable and you are definitely going to say "aww" :)

Katey with her ducky

Did you say it?

How about now? Look at hose gorgeous eyes!

How about now?

Time to say goodbye...

Cuddles for Uncle Joe

 And cousin reciprocated cousin lovin'

Hugs all around :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Shoots and Ladders

So yesterday Joe was commenting how he couldn't wait till Katey was old enough to play board games, then we remembered shoots and ladders! What a big deal! She is growing up so fast!

She LOVED the spinner!

Daddy may have started out a little ahead...

But in the end Katey WHIPPED him! I wonder if this is foreshadowing, her very first board game and she won big!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Recent Sayings by a super intellectual 2 year old!

@ April 1st :  Mommy is nursing Anna on the couch & Katey comes over with ducky to do the same.  She then turns to me and (with a very concerned look) states, "Mommy, I no have no milk!",  I answer, "Well, yes honey, when you grow older and you get married and you have a baby then you will have milk."  Katey then gets up and as she's walking toward the back door says "I go get one."  Me: "One what?"  K: "A Married!"  Laughing I try to correct her saying, "Well no honey, not now, some day when your older you'll meet a special person and marry them, then you can have babies." And, after a contemplative look, she continues toward the door saying, "Ok, I go get him."  Me: "Who honey?" K: "Joe!"

Week or so ago:  We were going through her kids bible discussing how God made the garden and everything in it, then skipped ahead to Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane before the soldiers came to get him.  Katey (not of my attempt) made the connection between the two gardens and I, as a mother, was so excited that she was starting to get spiritual things and began to preceded to share with her the story of the cross when she interrupted and said, (very excited voice) "They're coming to get him mommy!" Me (In a sad voice) : "Yes honey." K: "They're coming to get him, take him to McDonalds!?"  haha ok, maybe not so spiritual of a conversations :).

Week or so ago:  K: "And sometimes mommy (lip smack and very mater-of-fact voice), I need to watch Anna for you and you go bye bye."  (I promise I don't do this yet haha)

Few days ago: During an attempted rushed lunch as we were late getting out the door.  Me: "Katey, finish your sandwich."  K: "I just can't Mommy".  Me: "And why not Katelyn."  K: "Cause I still talking,, Mommy!"

Yesterday: While company was over & I had just finished nursing Anna. Katey comes over and sits next to me with ducky, and as she is taking teh nursing cover and spit up rag I had just used, she positions ducky under the cover and looks at me with cocked head and says "Mommy, I NEED the nursing cover cause I need to be modest!"

Today:  First thing in the morning, my mind was still not functioning, but obviously hers was.   "(lip smack and very mater-of-fact voice) K: "Sometimes, when I grow up, I be Grandpa.  And I have hair on my legs."

I just needed to chronical some of these, and more will come, I always wish I write them down as i'm rolling over laughing, but the day seems to go on and I just want to remember all her incredible cuteness!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Still here I promise!

Sorry there haven't been very many posts lately, life is a little, well busier with two busy kids. The truth of it is we are absolutely blessed with our little Anna.  She is SUCH a good little baby and very content to be on her own most of the time.  She LOVES her swing and even to just lay on the floor and wiggle and giggle (which is what she's doing next to me at the moment :) ).  Like this...

Last week was quite an adventure.  We decided the girls and I would tag along to Bellevue, WA with Daddy for a class he was taking.  We were up there from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon and although there were some challenging situations, overall it was a blast! We got an amazing 2 story hotel room (70's style but layout was perfect) that enabled Katey to take her naps without Anna and I sitting in the hallway! :)  We also found an awesome play place in  a mall only blocks away and spent quite a bit of our time there as it stayed true to Seattle area tradition and rained almost the whole time.

 We also were able to spend part of a day with my good friend Kristin and her son Jaxon.  We decided to take the kids downtown Seattle and road the monorail. Such fun :)

(so excited to be on the momorail!)

Kristin & Jaxon

Great friends!

The kids fav thing to do at the mall!

Holding hands, something Katey would have done A LOT more if Jaxon would have aloud it. This was a rare moment where he actually complied.  I love it!

As far as pictures our life lately the only other ones I"ve even been taken have been at dear friends birthday parties.

Ty Pietzold turned 2!

First a fun craft

Anna was very involved

Then outside for bubbles!

While the babies hung out inside :)

Then cake time! Oh and Katey loves to sing "Happy Birthday"

And eat cake of course :)

Then opening presents

She loves to help open presents but sometimes its good to just sit and watch :)

Playing Basket ball with Ty's new hoop!

She kinds liked to just stand on it more :)

Holly Overby turned 1 (Katey was sick so just mommy went)

The beautiful Overby family!

Then just yesterday Stanley Overby turned 3!

Katey and Stanley are very good friends!

And Anna again was content to sit on the side and suck on her fist :)

Craft time, they made party hats.

 She's such a ham!

Playing with new friends

Eating a yummy lunch at a table full of kids :)

Then on to games, one of her favorites is ring around the rosies!

And parachute games!

Then dress up! So many fun hats to pick from!

We had to leave before cake but I managed to get a picture anyway!

We are so blessed to have so many fun friends and although the pics aren't always here, memories are definitely being made!