@ April 1st : Mommy is nursing Anna on the couch & Katey comes over with ducky to do the same. She then turns to me and (with a very concerned look) states, "Mommy, I no have no milk!", I answer, "Well, yes honey, when you grow older and you get married and you have a baby then you will have milk." Katey then gets up and as she's walking toward the back door says "I go get one." Me: "One what?" K: "A Married!" Laughing I try to correct her saying, "Well no honey, not now, some day when your older you'll meet a special person and marry them, then you can have babies." And, after a contemplative look, she continues toward the door saying, "Ok, I go get him." Me: "Who honey?" K: "Joe!"
Week or so ago: We were going through her kids bible discussing how God made the garden and everything in it, then skipped ahead to Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane before the soldiers came to get him. Katey (not of my attempt) made the connection between the two gardens and I, as a mother, was so excited that she was starting to get spiritual things and began to preceded to share with her the story of the cross when she interrupted and said, (very excited voice) "They're coming to get him mommy!" Me (In a sad voice) : "Yes honey." K: "They're coming to get him, take him to McDonalds!?" haha ok, maybe not so spiritual of a conversations :).
Week or so ago: K: "And sometimes mommy (lip smack and very mater-of-fact voice), I need to watch Anna for you and you go bye bye." (I promise I don't do this yet haha)
Few days ago: During an attempted rushed lunch as we were late getting out the door. Me: "Katey, finish your sandwich." K: "I just can't Mommy". Me: "And why not Katelyn." K: "Cause I still talking,, Mommy!"
Yesterday: While company was over & I had just finished nursing Anna. Katey comes over and sits next to me with ducky, and as she is taking teh nursing cover and spit up rag I had just used, she positions ducky under the cover and looks at me with cocked head and says "Mommy, I NEED the nursing cover cause I need to be modest!"
Today: First thing in the morning, my mind was still not functioning, but obviously hers was. "(lip smack and very mater-of-fact voice) K: "Sometimes, when I grow up, I be Grandpa. And I have hair on my legs."
I just needed to chronical some of these, and more will come, I always wish I write them down as i'm rolling over laughing, but the day seems to go on and I just want to remember all her incredible cuteness!