So I have a new theory! I've loved blogging over the years but have realized that sometimes the things that are really exciting I somehow don't get pics of...Yes, I know thats hard to believe, but I honestly don't always have my camera. So for the sake of perserving history (and my own sanity) I'm going to copy my friend Tracy and attempt to blog a sort of synopsis once a month about the previous month. So...I realize this is being blogged in March...and its about yes, maybe haven't set off on the right foot but at least its not December :) There also might be more typing than I normally do and I have to admit, most of this isn't for you...its for me :). My memory stinks and I have to have a place (one that I won't misplace or discard accidentally) to record my thoughts and our family activities, so if you just want the pics, then scroll :)
January started out with a bang this year, With my gorgeous little, oh I still can't believe it!, ONE year old's birthday!
This was her birthday party invite,
And here were a few pics I snapped in the studio
See what I mean!? Quite a way to kick off the year wasn't it! And there is more to come... just in Jan :)
The girls are just starting to really play together, it still takes quite a bit of refereeing, but i'm optimistic :)
A favorite game (for a week or so) was "fishing!" This was a rare occurrence when they continued playing even after I whipped the camera out! The gist of the game is they get in their "boat" (aka the box) , scavenge "oars" from the utensil drawer, and catch "fish" (animals). They they put them in their "nets", this time a gift bag, then take them back to the "bbq" (this time the automin) and bbq them up for Mama to eat!
Love Katey's immagination! And sometimes they even do it witout killing each other!
Anna LOVES the basket and takes pretty much any opportunity that presents itself to dump all of ints contents out and rock back and forth in it! Love her smile!
As you read above Katey is VERY much into bbqing! Especially when Daddy is.
Just had to throw the pic on the right in here because it shows Bug's impecable sense of style...she was getting ready to bbq with Daddy :0
She consideres this table her own personal bbq and the yellow sprinkler head on the top...well im not sure exactly what part it pertains to...but its VERY important! And she was SOO thrilled to get a new bbqing apron from Grammy and Grandpa, she had to run right outside to test it out :)
(these of Anna were just taken on the front porch and inspired by her cuteness, and the great light!)
As you can see on the bottom right she's just beginning to sign. I think this was "more Doggy" (she is obsessed with dogs!) but "please" also is signed...sometimes...haha this girl has an opinion that is for sure. And if she thinks she isn't getting what she wants fast enough, she is also convinced that screeching at the top of her lungs is an option...we are working on this :)
Well here are a few more phone pics that are my attempt to capture the joy of every day life, they aren't great quality, but, oh what great memories!
Visiting Daddy's new work and "helping" with the new work station :)
Mommy and Daddy's attempt to avoid a nap started way to late in the day, we thought that if we kept her on the couch it wouldn't continue...we were wrong, and she was so cute!!!
Earning her Barbie Horse by going to sleep without crying...This has been a HUGE battle over the last year but I can honestly say, at three it is finally improving! Yay!
Best Buds!!!
We are so blessed by our friends the Pietzolds! Not only do we get to do preschool with them every tuesday, but us Mama's also swap kiddo time for working Mama time. Lisa teaches piano lessons and I try to get some photo editing done. GREAT TRADE and our kids LOVE it! Here's Katey with her two little friends Zac & Ty.
And Anna LOVING Kenzie's birthday present!
This last one is Katey at her 3 year appointment. It was over a month late but thats what mama gets for waiting to schedule! At this appointment we were encouraged to schedule an eye appointment (due to some concerns with redness and pain) and a dentist appointment (cavities evident!). Pics of both and the outcomes in the next episode...haha gatta throw a cliff hanger in or you'll never come back after such a long post!
Thanks for reading, or looking and 'Future Emily', remember January was a joyous month!