Saturday, February 28, 2009

2 month faces

I've been playing with making collages and here is one of the many faces Katelyns can make at two months.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Little girl in a big crib

Yesterday Joe & I decided to start working toward getting Katey to sleep in her own room and through the night. She is still young so we are going to take it slow, but last night we started a bed time routine and today Katey is taking naps in her big girl crib (but sleeping durring the night in the bassinette next to mama). She doesn't seem to notice a big difference, as you can see...sleeping is sleeping when your a baby.

Monday, February 23, 2009

New Look for the Blog

As you probably have already noticed we updated the look of the blog this evening. Katelyn had her 2 month appointment today and weighed in at a whopping 11 Pounds and 22.5 inches long! They gave her a bunch of vaccines (that was a pretty rough experience) and sent us home with the assurance that she is doing great.

We took some more pictures of her tonight because we just can't get enough of her cute smiles. I'm posting just one tonight because its late and we need to get to bed rather than staying up longer to edit a bunch of photos. I'm sure Emily will put more up tomorrow.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Photoshoot in Eugene

This weekend Joe & I packed the bags (between Katey and all the photo gear I mean PACKED THE BAGS!) and went to Eugene to visit friends. We had a blast! On Saturday night we went to Ben and Jeanine's house and the camera's came out.

These first few were taken by Joe...

The next two are Daddy & Katey (By Emily)

The next one is thanks to Aaron.

The rest are by Ben of Rhodework Photography. Thank you Ben!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy Valentines Day & 2 months for Katey

Today is a huge day in the Knapp household. Its Katey's two month birthday, and Joe and I got a huge present. Today we recieved the strobe lights for studio photography we have been waiting for. Joe snapped the first one quickly on his lunch break before he had to rush back to work and Katey and I played for a while after. Here is her little valentines day outfit and of course some almost naked baby poses I couldn't resist.

My little bear

I forgot one pic from our walk with the Cogars.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Family Picture

Yesterday we went on an extreemly fun hike up on the mountian with our good friends the Cogars. Josh did an awesome job with these pics, i'm so pleased to have a family pic that isn't me still in the hospital bed :).

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Play Date

Today we had a play date with Riley & Fletcher Powell. Its my first day shooting in manual on Joe's fancy shmanzy camera. These are my favs of the 270 that I took :).

New Bath Tub

So Katey has a little yeast rash on her bottom and the dr. perscribed three baths a day. Up to this point we have been giving her baths in the "big kid" bath tub, but there is no way I'm paying that water bill! So Katey & I made a trip to Babies R Us and got her a brand new fancy bath tub. The bath tub comes with a battery powered spray nozel to make everything easier...the only problem is that Mom can't figure out how to use it :). Here are some pics of Katey & and her new tub.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bumbo, Nana's quilt and the slow fade

We have been trying to work on Katey's schedual a little more and get it on more regular three hour intervals. To do this it takes a little bit of work to keep Katelyn awake durring her designated "awake time". She has been holding her head up so well that I decided to try her little chair, called a Bumbo, and see if the position would keep her awake for a little longer. Watch and see our success :).

"But Mommy, I'm so tired, can't i just go to sleep?"

"Please? I'll start fussing if you don't let me."

"Ok, you give me my binky and i'm happy for a while longer"

"Aww, I love you Mommy."

"But I'm still very tired."

"Ok, well this place is as good as any."


PS: The background was lovingly hand-made by her Nana.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cuddling with Daddy

Every morning Katelyn wakes up @ 7 or so hungry. By this time I've been up a few times and am exausted, but Katey, haveing as much sleep as she wants on her own, doesn't usually want to return quietly to the bassinet after eating. Therefore, and new tradition has evolved. I pull the covers down on Joe's chest and place a squirmy Katey there. She usually almost instantly calms down and quietly cuddles with her daddy for the hour untill he has to get up for work. I love opening my eyes and seeing this view, it just makes me happy.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Katey's many faces

So Katey was being super cute today so I decided to attempt to overcome my fear of Joe's camera and give her a photo shoot. I can't quit staring at this gorgeous face so I though you might want to join me. I hope you enjoy!