Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bumbo, Nana's quilt and the slow fade

We have been trying to work on Katey's schedual a little more and get it on more regular three hour intervals. To do this it takes a little bit of work to keep Katelyn awake durring her designated "awake time". She has been holding her head up so well that I decided to try her little chair, called a Bumbo, and see if the position would keep her awake for a little longer. Watch and see our success :).

"But Mommy, I'm so tired, can't i just go to sleep?"

"Please? I'll start fussing if you don't let me."

"Ok, you give me my binky and i'm happy for a while longer"

"Aww, I love you Mommy."

"But I'm still very tired."

"Ok, well this place is as good as any."


PS: The background was lovingly hand-made by her Nana.


Anonymous said...

Cutest Baby Ever!!!!! Oh my Goodness I Love the one of her passed out in the Bumbo =) Love You!!!

Sarah said...

I love the one in the bumbo all passed out too. We love our bumbo! Have you (or are you) had to go back to work yet? She is precious. Let us know the next time ya'll are in Nampa. We have a guestroom even if you need a place to crash. But either way, we need to get the kids together for a playdate!

Anonymous said...

cool chair, poor baby girl had sleepy eyes, she really does get cuter everday, is that really possible?
love to you all

Anonymous said...

She is so adorable!

Anonymous said...

She is just so darn cute Emy. You have got to love how babies can just fall asleep anywhere they want. She is the (2nd) most beautiful baby girl ever!!!;) Love you and see you soon!!!

Love Miranda