Tuesday, February 16, 2010

14 Months and on the go!

Here are just a few fun pics of my little almost 14 month old out on the town.  With a new hat, gloves (and girl) this pretty, one has just GOT to take them out and show them off!

The world is full of wonder, and this little sweet face and big blue eyes don't want to miss a minute!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Van

Last week we had took a big leap and traded in our trusty old Jeep for an 04 Honda Odyssey! We totally love the increased seating options, DVD player (I'm not sure weather Charrisa or Katelyn is more mesmerized by the Baby Einstein) electronic doors and the navigation system.  

We are definitely blessed!

Daddy's Girl

Many of you already know that our little Bug is a total Daddy's girl.  The following is just further proof.


She wants to be just like her Daddy, and Daddy's getting dressed...so of course Katey wants to get dressed too!


"What? I think they make my legs look nice."

 And brushing her teeth like DaDa.

Or the floor :)




And reading a book like Dada, He's such a push over :)


And wear a shirt like Dada....


"It looks so gorgeous on you!"


But sometimes a baby's just gatta be a baby! "See ya!"

The funniest part about these socks is that I have a picture of me when I was about her age in MY dad's tube socks...I am going to try to find the pic and put it in this post later :).

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Play group on the farm!

Today was such a gorgeous day and our play group decided to meet out at a friends "farm".  She now has 3 horses, 3 (4 day old) calves, 4 goats, 2 donkeys, 1 duck, 2 baby ducklings, 5ish chickens and 25ish baby chicks...not to mention a few cats and lots of geese that have adopted her pasture.  The kids just went crazy over the animals, and as moms, what do you like better than to see your kids thrilled?
It was a great play group!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Another great acomplishment!

So I didn't mention it in the previous post but we also bought Katey her first potty chair last Saturday and just today had our first official potty training day!  I am extremely proud to say Katey went 5 times on her new little seat and absolutely loves it!  I don't think she realizes she is actually going but she loves to just sit there, sing silly songs, read books and have everything brought to her.  Haha, who'da known one could be so excited about this sort of thing!

Even though she looks like she's saying "Mom, I'm on the pot get the camera out of my face!" Most of the time she is all smiles in this position and is as thrilled as Mommy (or maybe because Mommy looks so silly jumping up & down) when we actually accomplish the deed.  Just another day in paradise!