With two kids I'm already slacking! Many times it's so much easier to quickly capture the cute little moment on my handy-dandy smart phone than it is to get out my SLR. I often regret the quality but realize that at least I have the memory of the moment. So here are a few to share and remember of life events only chronicled by my ever present companion...
RSV, Pneumonia & our Comforter!
On Sunday Jan 23rd, at 2 1/2 weeks old, Anna started to have a pretty serious cough, trouble breathing and her eating decreased suddenly, after a visit to the Dr. on Monday she was diagnosed with RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus). The Dr told us that this is pretty dangerous in infants but as of yet she wasn't showing symptoms too serious. He informed us that the normal cycle of the virus progressively intensifies toward day 5 or 6 so he wanted to monitor her every day. After office visits on Tuesday and Wednesday Anna was admitted to the hospital and immediately put on IV fluids and oxygen to help her breathing.
Anna's hospital room at Emanuel (God was definitely with us!)
And even though it was hard to see my little 2 week old with tubes everywhere...
God gave me a window to look out of...
And have natural light on our face (thank you God for vitamin D)! I spent countless hours just rocking her and looking out that window (she got so spoiled of being held!).
But the danger was not just at the hospital. Throughout this week Joe and not been feeling well, and as he was getting ready to bring Anna and I provisions for the hospital on wednesday, he broke down and took his temperature and realized he was running a temp. For the next few days he was the sole care provider of Katey as his own sickness progressively got worse. He went to the Dr the next day and although they ruled out the flu, and soemthing else I can't remember, they couldn't exactly tell him what it was. After a few more days of getting worse he went back into urgent care on Saturday. After passing out in the waiting room and hitting his head on a chair, he got a very quick diagnoses of pneumonia and prescribed a STRONG antibiotic.
Throughout this whole ordeal we very easily could have been failing apart, but I have to tell you something amazing. We weren't, and it wasn't because we were strong! I can't tell you how much support we had, not only from the MANY friends and family that came around us to offer meals, prayers and take Katey, but more so from our Heavenly Father! I pretty much stayed in a tiny hospital room for 6 days (only going outside once), oh and it was a dual room so we had room mates most of the time. But the Lord was my INCREDIBLE support! Our hearts didn't break and our faith was daily encouraged by our heavenly Daddy.
On one of the last days a Dr told me that normally when infants Anna's age get this virus its MUCH more serious and can result in months in intensive care and breathing machines, our God was so good. He protected and comforted us both from the worst of this virus, and protected Anna and I from the pneumonia that Joe had while we were safety at the hospital. He also coordinated it so that just when Joe had been on the antibiotics for the necessary 24 hours we got released and could go home!
Our God is so good!

Leaving the hospital!
First time we were all together after our crazy week!
Just some more pics of life...
Katey LOVES to help her sister with her binky...sometimes its not so tender though :)
Just a cute cute healthy Anna!
I love my sling! The only way I get housework done and dinner made!
My smiley little girl right after a bath :)
Katey reading her a book...in the bathroom :)
Happy Sisters
They're almost the same size!
So now I have a big girl...
And a big baby!
(of course I mean the one on the left ;) ).
Watching Boz on Sat morning like only the cool girls do
Holding Sissy
"Smile!" goof ball!
Inquisitive Angel!
Tummy Time Teacher!
Wearing Daddys hat "so the rain doesn't get me wet!"
Two binkies!
Sucha QT!
My beautiful family!
Hope you enjoyed!