Saturday, May 28, 2011

Brookings & Beyond!

Yay! Again to Brookings to visit Grammy & Grandpa and this time Joe's grandparents would come to! And it was Anna's very first to the coast! So fun!

Happy girl hanging with Grammy & Grandpa!

Katey & Grammy enjoying the ocean!

We decided to go for a walk on one of Grammy & Grandpa's favorite trails, and well...I didn't always keep up.

I love my job but I have realized that I have so little time to just stop, and well...smell the...

But leave it to a 2 year old to remind you whats important :)

So again, I caught up and got a few of people....but then ..."Oh wow, look at these, I've got to get a picture!" 

"Getting a little behind but not bad..."

"Ok they're not far ahead, I have time for a few of this gorgeous little creation."

"Oh and this one!"

"Ok, I caught up just in time for a prime photo."

"Time to head back."

Wow, look at this grass blowing in the wind and the vibrancy of the sky and red bush, God did such an amazing job!

I mean, these little blue flowers are smaller than a golf ball and so easy to miss unless you take the time to get down to their level.  Then their intricacy is amazing!

"Haha, I guess I was distracted again, they got a ways away!"

"And, Oh no! Where is Katey & Daddy?"

"What you can't see is that Anna is in the front back and Katey is on Daddy's back. He's such a fun daddy!"

"Oh wow, SQUIRL!" :)

And I'm down on the ground again...:)

Me and my honey! What's funny is that if you look close you can see his hand holding the camera in his glasses :)

Uh oh, Grammy & Katey are hiding in the grass!

Grandpa made her a special bed!

Little angel!

Anna Napping on Grandpa :)

Playing outside with Grammy,

And brought Mommy a present!

The next day we went to the Azalea Park and Daddy took the camera again for a few mins :)

They love having their pictures taken :)