Monday, May 23, 2011

Nana & Pappy's Visit! (April 21-29th)

Nana and Pappy came to visit! We so treasure these visits and this time and this time we once again had lots of fun, lots of fellowship and LOTS of memmories!

Friday morning bright and early we got all clean...

(hehe Nana Kisses)

(Shocking I guess)

...and headed off to the Portland Children's Museum!

Anna got a great ride!

And Katey had her hands free to do the really important things, like giving the stuffed doggy a bath :)

And organizing the shapes, triangles are her favorite!

Then off to the water area!

Where Pappy taught a very eager learner, 

She LOVES the water!

Then onto the Curious George exhibit, definitely one of her favorites!

Ahh, young love!

But alas...there are other things to enjoy and it was time to move on!
"Nana, do you want some fruit?"

such a smart business women :)

and very serious about her shopping!

Anna watching on intently from her birds eye view!

Nana showing both girls how the blocks travel up the conveyor belt...

and how to wait patiently for your turn :)

She loved the tinker toys!

and showing Curious George how to scale the wall.

So many fun things to do!

And one little girl could only take so much excitement!

Break for a quick lunch...

Then off to the dig pit!

Our final stop was music time with a little patient listening...

And a lot of fun dancing!

What a fun day!

Now home for a quiet Friday evening :)

Reading books to sister,

lovin' sister...

nad making her laugh!

Then Saturday morning Daddy decided it was a ZOO day!


Fun day and GREAT time with Nana & Pappy!

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