On July 11th after a crazy 1st day of VBS I dropped Katey off at Grandma Anne's house to nap and Anna and I went in for her routine 6 month appt. In the regular course of the check up however, the Dr paused with a concerned look after rotating Anna's legs. She "Um'd" quite a few times then went out and got another Dr saying "Well I"ve never seen a case of this but my fellow Dr. has seen one." Well, "This" turned out to be Developmental Hip Displasia, which means that her hips, instead of growing IN the socket, were deciding to grow outside of the socket and if left alone would result in hip replacements in her teens. After the x rays confirmed the diagnosis we scheduled a consultation with the Orthopedic Surgeon two weeks later on July 25th, then surgery for July 28th! It all happened so fast!
On the way to the hospital on the day of surgery.

Waiting for them to take her back playing with the bear the hospital gave her :)
She was in surgery for @2 hours in which they put her under anesthesia, did an arthrogram (injected fluid into her hip joints to see the cartladge), positioned her and casted her legs. (IV as well)
Just out of surgery, still asleep :)
1st time nursing was a bit of a challenge but we figured it out.
They told us she would be fussy and in pain when she woke up....not our girl!
We had to rent a special car seat ...doesnt' look that comfy to me!
And although her movements and positions are definitely limited, she is still our happy girl!
Kinda fits in her swing.
Mama has to carry her at the store because she doestn' fit in the cart.
Still sleeps like an angel :)
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