Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wrapping Paper!

So this year Katey & I decided we should combine her love for painting with my love for being frugal! I'm beginning the slave labor and forcing her to make our christmas wrapping paper for this year!

She REALLY Hates it :)
We have been painting our hands and doing hand prints and even got the potatoes out for some stamp/painting time today. Oh and tomorrow I'm planning on trying a trick with celery that I saw on pinterist!

But with the additive of some of my scrapbooking left overs here is the final product,

And it works for Birthday paper as well!
Such fun! Love that my little girl is so creative!

1 comment:

FlorenceTheWise said...

This is such a good idea! They look so pretty even though it hasnt taken a fine artist to do it!
Though I must say your daughters technique is lovely :P x