Friday, January 20, 2012

Gingerbread Men!

As you know, i'm obviously catching up on blogging :)  Back before Christmas we had the opportunity to decorate cookies with our very bestest friends the Pietzolds!  It was a learning experience for all and I think some un-licked candies MIGHT have gotten on the cookies...but no guarantees :)

 At this point the men had to go into the oven and the kiddos had to go to bed to anxiously await the real part they were excited about: eating, I mean DECORATING with candy!

Finally the cookies were cooked and ready to be decocted! Well, kinda...first Mommies had to do a very important part, this part proved to be VERY hard to be patient through!

FINALLY it was their turn!

They each got a bowl of candy and a sheet of you can see...we had mixed opinions about what one should do with said candy :)

But they did each take their decorating VERY seriously :)

And the eating very seriously as well! 

So much fun! Love this little family and what good friends they are, not only for our kids but also for us :)

1 comment:

Lisa Pietzold said...

Oh my gosh, these pictures are great! Such fun memories!