We heard the baby! It was so cool! It was really hard at first to go back to the hospital because the last time we were there was devastating. But this experience was so different. The ultrasound technician quickly found the gestational sac then continued to point out, what to me
looks like a uvula, and explained it was the embryo! I know it doesn't look like much but that little piece of white in the middle of the dark is our baby!

Then she showed us the heart on the outside of the embryo and told me to hold my breath & we could hear the
swishing of our baby’s heart. Thats the picture on the right. The lines at the bottom are the baby's heart beats.

It was so emotional, and yes I cried, but I am happier then I can even say. Our baby is 3 mm long, healthy, and right on track to be born on Jan 8, 2009. Thank you everyone for all your support!
That heart beat is the most amazing sound. You just can't wait to see them. God creates life in such an amazing way. 3mm and then when the baby is born it will be around 8 pounds. If you can have that baby 10 days earlier you get to clam him/her on your taxes for the whole year! :)
We are so excited for you two!! How amazing to get to hear the tiny little heart beat.
That is amazing and awesome...Prayers to you for a beautiful, happy and EASY pregnancy and delivery for yoU!! Congratulations....
Nice work you all!
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