After much research and procrastination Joe & I decided to start Katey on solids today and see what she thought. I'm sure the fact that our daughter likes to put anything and everything in her mouth helped quite a bit. Though there were some interesting looks we think it was a total success and as long as she seems to react ok we will probably try again tomorrow :).

Yum! Ground up oats, water & breast milk...not exactly my idea of great cuisine.

"Hum, your putting something in my mouth, ok I'll suck on it."

"Oh wait, (gulp) there's something on it."

"Hum, I'll have to try about five more spoon fulls then I'll decide if its ok."

"Ooo, that's good, I wanna do it myself!"

"I'm such a big girl... Ok, now what do i do with it?"
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