Thursday, January 21, 2010

13 month favs!

The life of a 13 month old is full of passions and loves. Here are a few of my little Bug's favorite things!

First and foremost, as I like to think, is Mommy & Daddy! She's starting to recognize pics and walked up to this one today and goes "Da da da da" (yeah no "ma ma" :( )

Hit the link below to see more of her favorite things!

Fav # 2

Bath time...even when its not bath time :)

She just stands at the tubs and grunts loudly!

Fav #3

Walking/Running, she is getting very good at this and is definitely keeping mommy on her toes!

Fav #4

Her kitty Diggory is a definitely love! He constantly is rubbing himself against her and she patts him KINDA lovingly :)

Fav #5

What is usually behind this door is another great love of hers.


*Calling out*

"Maybe if I kiss the door she'll come out!"

*Crying cause her beloved Charrisa isn't home today*

Almost every morning when we get her up she goes straight for Charrisa's door and pounds on it. She does love her Charrisa an awful lot, but I also know that her big pile of shinny necklaces is a VERY fun toy for a 13 month old!

Fav #6

Books are another favorite! But lately she has a pretty short attention span and seems to like to sit on top of the book more than actually read it :)

Fav #7

Katey is also realizing that things are not necesarrily "out of sight, out of mind".

Like, if you throw ducky in the laundry basket...he's in there...

...until the much loved friend is rescued by Mommy :)

Yes, our little Bug is quite a generous with her affections and we love her JUST that way!

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