Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Out for a walk

Such a gorgeous day, what is there to do but to take a walk with Daddy!

Starting out, big girls don't need strollers...big girls walk!

Ok, but hills don't count :)
Ok now were to the top and its all about "down"!

There are so many tings to look at and so many places to explore!

Mommy took a quit moment to  enjoy the amazing beauty of just one flower, but... take your eyes off of a 14 month old for one second and they are long gone!

"Who me?"

"Ok, I'll just chill here for a min."

"Ok, now I'm off again to find Daddy!"

Time to go home, but not in too much of a hurry to stop and smell :)

Oh what a fun spring walk...and as I type this its snowing...hehe I love spring!


Kristin Harris said...

Love these! Wish I was there to walk with ya though! =) said...

Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous! I love her cute pink jacket against the backdrop of the flowering cherry

Ben and Jeanine said...

Oh, Em! These are so super sweet and cute. :) You are all so blessed to have each other - such a beautiful family. We love you guys! :) Muah! ~ J