Instead of continuing the previous blog I decided to be better organized and begin a new one soley dedicated to the week my parents, the Light family, Charrisa, Katey & I went to the beach. We were sooo blessed by the invitation from the Lights to join them at their time share in Depoe Bay and thoroughly enjoyed every min of our visit there with them. Joe even surprised us and was able to join us for the last few days!
We had to go in two cars so as we waited for the second to arrive we took our first opportunity to enjoy the beach!
Katey did not like the sand on her hands at all! She would get it on there and then shake them or lick them "clean".
But she didn't seem to mind the sand between her toes :)
Katey and her Pappy!
She also loved chasing the sea gulls!
And the water!
Especially when her Nana went with her.
But she still found time to run back into Pappy's arms :)
The resort itself was simply amazing!
This was the view off our private deck!
Katey loved it out there!
With 7 1/2 of us in the 3 bedroom "apartment" we had lots of time to really enjoy each others fellowship and had alot of deep talks...
but thats not all we did...
I never new ping pong was such a competitive/active sport!
But i didn't shirk from the competition!
Neither did Charrisa, although her and I both chased alot of balls :)
Our fearless teacher, Pappy, made sure we knew the correct rules and then in turn kicked our butts :)
We also took lots of walks!
Most of the time Katey had to ride though much to her dismay.
It was so really fun sharing the two cameras with Charrisa & Peter! For once, mine wasn't the only perspective recorded!

Town was one of the places we walked to most frequently.

It was only about a mile (I think) but it was a fun little walk to start out the day.

There was a place you could go to watch the waves come in under the rock and then shoot up in guisers!
It was really fun to watch
Katey was quite the little trooper!
But sometimes even troopers need nap time :)
Another adventure was to the Yaquina Lighthouse.
Charrisa being the photog...

Katey found her own little perch...not to mention her own little attitude :)
From the light house there was a little walk to our next destination....
Katey & Charrisa took a little break to enjoy the weather :)
My little model
Right past our cars was a neat stair well right down to this gorgeous cove...
It was tough walking on the pebbles...
But Pappy was alot of help,
And the end reward was worth it!
The tide pools were so fun!
And the view was spectacular!
I wasn't the only one who couldn't resist taking lots of pics :)
Charrisa & Peter took turns with the camera.
Now notice the difference between the way that girls pose...and the way that guys pose.
Haha, they crack me up!
Ok there were a few that wern't of Peter jumping off something...but not many :)
Such a fun day!
Just a few more random pics of our amazing time...enjoy :)
More walks....
The girl loves her spaghetti!
Feeding seagulls with Pappy on the beach :)
Thanks Lights for an amazing trip!

There was a place you could go to watch the waves come in under the rock and then shoot up in guisers!
It was really fun to watch
Katey was quite the little trooper!
But sometimes even troopers need nap time :)
Another adventure was to the Yaquina Lighthouse.
Charrisa being the photog...
And sacrificing to get that elusive perfect shot!

First we walked up to the lighthouse & were able to see the amazing view from its ocean perspective (although the inside was closed :( )

Katey found her own little perch...not to mention her own little attitude :)
From the light house there was a little walk to our next destination....
Katey & Charrisa took a little break to enjoy the weather :)
My little model
Right past our cars was a neat stair well right down to this gorgeous cove...
It was tough walking on the pebbles...
But Pappy was alot of help,
And the end reward was worth it!
The tide pools were so fun!
And the view was spectacular!
I wasn't the only one who couldn't resist taking lots of pics :)
Charrisa & Peter took turns with the camera.
Now notice the difference between the way that girls pose...and the way that guys pose.
Haha, they crack me up!
Ok there were a few that wern't of Peter jumping off something...but not many :)
Such a fun day!
Just a few more random pics of our amazing time...enjoy :)
More walks....
The girl loves her spaghetti!
Feeding seagulls with Pappy on the beach :)
Thanks Lights for an amazing trip!