Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mommy's Touch

I forgot to document (or even remember) a very important and a very special ritual between Katey and I until my second daughter began (un encouraged) to perfer this as well.  

Both of my girls LOVE to have my hair in their face while falling asleep. Its crazy and so special to me! They will be super squirmy and fitful, I'll lean over the crib and let my hair fall and they are out so fast!  Sometimes they grab on to it or play with my face, these are moments that make being a mom the best job in the whole world! I love it, but the whole hair thing is a challenge for Daddy :)  

Ok a few more of my sleeping angel in her crib! 

And Katey waiting VERY patiently for Anna to go to sleep so we can play!

Just a few of my goof bucket playing :)

"Oh no, Baby got an owie, kiss it Mommy!"

"She needs me to nurse her."

 Such a good mommy!

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