Today we had our 37 week appointment, which was good because we had some questions about something we suspected may have been the "plug" coming out. Those of you who have been through this whole child bearing experience before will be right there with us on this one when we say... weird. Our doctor confirmed our suspicion and informed us that Emily is about 50% effaced, dilated 1cm and things are "softening up" nicely. So at this point things are going great. She could be here in the next few days, or it could still be several weeks. It all still depends on when the real labor starts.
Our doctor also took some measurements and squeezed Emily's belly (seriously, i guess this is some form of valid measurement in medical world) and estimated that Katelyn is probably about 7.5 lbs right now, and will probably be somewhere around 8 to 8.5 when she's born... so place your bets now.
We are so excited for her to come, and to be able to hold her. To see her little face, and cute little toes and fingers. Hurry up baby!

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