Today was day three of my gorgeous daughters life. And although, to some people, today's events may not seem momentous, to a first time mommy, today was huge.
It started with an amazing night. I never thought i could be so energized after 2 hours of sleep, but our daughters gift to us last night was THREE two hour segments of sleep, in which she slept IN HER BASSINET! I'd wake up to her whimpering and felt like i had slept my whole life and could do anything. Now after about 40 mins of nursing (which i have to say I LOVE!) and a diaper change (or two) i was ready for more sleep. But it amazes me the changes your body makes to account for your babies...God is so good!
The second big event was my first time leaving my baby. When Joe said, "Lets go to Fred Meyer" I thought, "Sure no problem, it will be good for me to get out of the house,and I've had naps away from her for more than the time I'm going to be at the store." Well, I underestimated something because by the time we where done with about 30 mins of shopping i was sobbing in the car, clutching Joe's phone (which has a picture of my Katelyn). I can't explain the feelings that overwhelmed me, I felt like part of me was outside of my body and all i wanted to do, and all i could think about, was holding her in my arms and never letting go. In the end, Joe was right and it was good for me to get away, if only to realize how much i love her and what an amazing blessing God has given to us.
The third event, that happened about 4, was the arrival of my milk. For a first time mom, that is really exciting! I know I've been feeding her before this, but to be able to be the source of nutrients for something so precious and dependent...it continually blows my mind that God would entrust this gift to me. So i know these events may not seem huge to others, but to me, today was one of the most eventual days of my life and one i will never forget. I know it doesn't compare with the events of Thursday and Friday... but those where SO long ago that who can compare :).Thank you all for your prayer and support, reading comments has been so much fun. And for all those who live close, i look forward to showing her off as soon as the weather improves...but good luck if you can get her out of my arms (or her daddy's). Good night all (and yes i'm saying goodnight at 5:45 pm...cause I can, and I'm taking advantage of it while Nana & Pappy are in town).
It started with an amazing night. I never thought i could be so energized after 2 hours of sleep, but our daughters gift to us last night was THREE two hour segments of sleep, in which she slept IN HER BASSINET! I'd wake up to her whimpering and felt like i had slept my whole life and could do anything. Now after about 40 mins of nursing (which i have to say I LOVE!) and a diaper change (or two) i was ready for more sleep. But it amazes me the changes your body makes to account for your babies...God is so good!
The second big event was my first time leaving my baby. When Joe said, "Lets go to Fred Meyer" I thought, "Sure no problem, it will be good for me to get out of the house,and I've had naps away from her for more than the time I'm going to be at the store." Well, I underestimated something because by the time we where done with about 30 mins of shopping i was sobbing in the car, clutching Joe's phone (which has a picture of my Katelyn). I can't explain the feelings that overwhelmed me, I felt like part of me was outside of my body and all i wanted to do, and all i could think about, was holding her in my arms and never letting go. In the end, Joe was right and it was good for me to get away, if only to realize how much i love her and what an amazing blessing God has given to us.
The third event, that happened about 4, was the arrival of my milk. For a first time mom, that is really exciting! I know I've been feeding her before this, but to be able to be the source of nutrients for something so precious and dependent...it continually blows my mind that God would entrust this gift to me. So i know these events may not seem huge to others, but to me, today was one of the most eventual days of my life and one i will never forget. I know it doesn't compare with the events of Thursday and Friday... but those where SO long ago that who can compare :).Thank you all for your prayer and support, reading comments has been so much fun. And for all those who live close, i look forward to showing her off as soon as the weather improves...but good luck if you can get her out of my arms (or her daddy's). Good night all (and yes i'm saying goodnight at 5:45 pm...cause I can, and I'm taking advantage of it while Nana & Pappy are in town).
Such an exciting day! You are right, as a new mommy, these are pretty huge events! :-) I'm so excited for you, Emily! I can't wait to hold Katelyn, you better let me hold her!
I remember I felt the same way the first time I left Isabella, its so hard after being one for so long, to be away from your little princess. She is beautiful too, I miss that tiny little baby stage! Congrats and hope your first christmas as a mommy was as special as it could've been! :) (btw I am kelly turners daughter, Jody) have a great weekend with that little beauty!
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