Friday, December 19, 2008

Katelyn Elizabeth Knapp

She is here!!! Katelyn was born on Friday December 19th at 12:46 AM. She weighed 6 lbs 14 oz and was 20 1/4" long. Emily did sooo great, we were truly blessed with a wonderful pregnancy and labor/delivery. She is so perfect, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

She breast fed about 45 minutes after being born for 20 minutes. Then again about an hour later for another 15 minutes. Its been a very long and exciting day, and I'm very tired so I'm only going to post a few photos for now. I'll get more up tomorrow when I have some time.


hulagirl33003 said...

She's absolutely Beautiful and Perfect in Every Way =) Congratulations! You're PARENTS!!!!! Great Job Em, You Look Beautiful!!!!

Jeremy said...

Amazing isn't it!!!!

Congrats. We can't wait to meet her.

Lisa Pietzold said...

I'm sooooo excited to meet Katelyn! Congratulations, you guys -- Emily, you're a hero!!!

Mike Wilday said...

SO SWWWWEEEET! You guys, we are SO excited for you! Happy Parents Day!

Julie said...

How exciting!!! It's our turn to hold your baby now! We can't wait!

Danielle Hawes said...

That's so exciting! Congrats! She is beautiful!

Ben said...

Yay!!!!! I'm so excited for you two! Congratulations! I guess this means that you won't be at Aaron's party tonight. LOL!