We're still going strong! I LOVE our little group that gets together on Tuesday mornings just to watch our babies grow together! Here are just a few snapshots from our group today, some regulars are missing and we have some new faces...but its still us!

Fletcher Powell, Look at that smile!

I can't believe just a year ago his mama was in the hospital trying not to have him 4 months early, and now...He's perfect!

And this is little Cooper Cary, our newest little member. At almost 2 months old, this was his posture through most of the group. Ahh, I remember when Katey did that...wow its been a while!

Oh look! I see eyes! (more to come later)

Charrisa came down but just for a min to get food and was assaulted by a cute little girl just wanting to be held :)

Look at that face! How could you resist it?

Fletcher again, rolling around on the floor with his Mommy Jessica/ You should hear his belly laughs! They are soooo cute!

Avera was very interested in him!

Finally he took some notice

These are two other newer members to our group. Meet Angela & Avera

Aren't they adorable!

Avera is a very cute & talkative 6 months old.

And her mommy is a sweet sweet friend.

Fletcher again, you should have seen him and Katey dancing to the music and playing the drums on the ottoman. It was hilarious!

Riley was making us shakes and playing with "Baby Emily". I'm so special I have a baby named after me! But i wasn't REAL fond of being called "Big Emily"

But with that face, who could argue?

Daddy came home for lunch, and of course Katey found her place :). Look closely and you can see her lunch all over his nice work shirt...sorry Daddy :)

Everyone's getting a little tired....

One of the best moments as a mom!

Fletcher had to put his hat on just in case it was raining outside!

See I told you we would see some Cooper eyes! He woke up just as everyone was leaving...so I bribed Mommy (Tracy) with some coffee and convinced her to wait out the rain.

Really I just wanted to enjoy this little gorgeous boy!
Such a fun play date! I love being a Mommy!