We were so excited to be able to go over to Ontario, Or this year to spend Christmas with family. Joe's brother, sis-in-law, grandparents and aunts & uncles all live over there, not to mention the cutest little niece in the world! Here are some pictures of the trip!

Katey opening her birthday present with her auntie Steph. She's getting good at that tissue!

My little niece Avery hanging out with her grandpa.

We haven't seen her since September and thats WAY too long!

Avery cuddled up in her Grandpa's arms, I LOVE this photo!

Mommy and Avery, such a happy girl!

Joe's Mom & Bro cooking yummy treats!

There are not many pics of Katey at this point because her speed of travel has greatly increased, and as you can see in this pic with her Grammy, she's already eying the place she wants to go next :)

This is a very important moment because Katey is experiencing her very first Burger West. This little hamburger joint is something Joe and his brothers grew up with and is a VERY important tradition every time we go over to Ontario. This is legacy being passed down!

A very proud daddy!

Playing on the floor

"Auntie's gonna get you!"

Run Katey!

Auntie reading to Avery, she LOVES books!

Snuggles for Mommy

"Grandpa, how do you make that noise?"

"Oh, I can do it too!"

Grandpa cheering as Katey runs to mommy :)

Pretty Auntie Steph and Cousin Avery in her Christmas Eve dress

I love the bow!

Katey had to put her Christmas dress on too :)

Cuddles for Daddy

You can tell Daddy is cherishing every min

Flirting with Great Grandpa

Running to Mommy again

I love this dress!

Playing "run & hide" with Daddy :)

She figured out pretty quick she couldn't crawl in the dress because it was too long, which was fine with her, she just stood up and walked.

Grammy's giving her cookies and she's watching for them

You can see her signing for "more" in this picture

This was our Christmas Eve spread. It was amazing!

Great Gramma & Pretty Avery

She loved it when Great Gramma blew on the back of her neck. It was adorable!

Our little family, and a very tired little girl :)

But that didn't stop her from eying her next target :)

Grammy & Grandpa

Katey found a bell on the tree

"Look what I found!"

"I must examine it thoroughly (And blowing bubbles while I do this really helps!)."

I Love her eyes in this pic! She looks so hopeful, like every child should on Christmas :).
Next we tried to get some pics of the two little beauties in their Christmas dresses Grammy got them.

"What's she crying for?"

This one's my fav! Dont they just look gorgeous!

A few pics with Mommy's and Grammy

"I like her bow/eyeball."

Opening one present on Christmas eve

I love this look on Avery's face, its like "Hrm, whats this?"

"Ok, I want it!"

Katey's gotten very good at tearing the paper, in fact she often times is more captivated by that then the present inside.

"Look jammies!"

Katey's jammies, of course, had to have lady bugs on them!

I love the feet!

Katey was VERY intrigued by this fishies. She kept going over to grandpa and pulling up so she could get to them!

Katey was VERY intrigued by this fishies. She kept going over to grandpa and pulling up so she could get to them!

I loved this giggle!

Katey was hilarious with this chair. Its a little papa son chair that she has totally grown out of but she just loved going over and climbing up in it herself and getting comfortable.

Birthday dress Grammy bought her, she loves her Grandpa!

Grammy has food!

"I'm coming for it!"

Her fav things, Daddy AND food in her hand :)

She loved the bow, she kept stopping and looking down to play with it :)

Avery in her Christmas beauty!

Opening presents.

There is nothing more precious on Christmas morning then the face of your baby in awe. I love it!

Hanging out with Great Grandpa

Katey definitely had her share of anything that was around. I think it was pie and ice cream this time :)

Can you believe this face? It reminds me of the fact that our babies are growing up soo fast and next Christmas will be so different. Merry Christmas everyone!
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