We were thrilled when the Powell's invited us to spend the 4th with them! We met at the Estacada parade and then proceeded to their house for a BBQ, swimming, frisbee and overall an AMAZINGLY good time!

Hanging out at the Estacada parade with the Powells (Jessica & Fletcher here)

Notice her very patriotic 4th of July dress :)

All they need now is a pitch fork!

Isn't this hat just priceless?!

My little patriot

She thought the water was a little cool at first but warmed up to it pretty quick!

She especially liked riding on daddy's lap in the innertube.

The daddy's and the babies

Jonathon & Fletcher stealing the innertube idea (which is theirs btw)

Lounging in the lap of luxury!

But he was helping to watch the babies, which we really appriciated cause they tended to like the sun almost as much as Mike.

"Watch out guys, PDA too be shown in the following photos!"

"She likes me!" says Riley over and over (And its the truth!)


"Haha! That tickles."

"Mom! She's kissing me!"
Such a fun 4th of July!
More pics to come of our Sun and Monday at the Penthouse sweet at the Seaside resort!
Stay tuned...
Such a fun 4th of July!
More pics to come of our Sun and Monday at the Penthouse sweet at the Seaside resort!
Stay tuned...
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