This weekend I went garage sale-ing and ONE of the amazing things I found was a new swim suit for Katey. This suit has MANY thing going for it, first I LOVE the bright colors on her. Second, it has long sleeves so not as much sun screen needed, and...Best of ALL...

...It has RUFFLES!!! Oh my gosh, how could I resist?

And she HAD to have a day to show it off to all her little friends, so she decided to wear it to our play group at the Powells.

Her and Fletcher BOTH started sitting this week and it was So cute to see them doing it together. It still amazes me that both of them had no interest in sitting last week, and this week...wala!

Reading her new book...another garage sale find!

She had to read it to Fletcher too...

But I don't think he was listening good enough.

I think he just likes his picture taken :)

Riley was being extra cute and helpful with the two babies. She's such a good big sister.

Zac came to play too...

And we finally got to go over and meet the goats and the donkeys.

Riley tried to show him that they were harmless and full of love, but he was still shy and didn't want to go near them.

Zac, Lisa and Tracy had to leave after meeting the animals. But Jessica, Riley, Fletcher, Katey and I stayed for a swim!

I LOVE the Bumbo!
Katey loves to be in the water and I love that she is supported and I don't have to hold her up!
Katey loves to be in the water and I love that she is supported and I don't have to hold her up!

And then we ALL got to go in the big pool! It was such a fun day, Thank God for good friends AND good friends WITH pools!
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