Yesterday we spent the ENTIRE day at the Zoo! It was such a blast! Last time we took Katey to the Zoo she was too little to really notice the animals, but this time she was all excitement, pointing and smiling! The enjoyment to be had by watching your child get excited is just amazing!

Me & My happy girl :)

Family Photo :)

Watching the Penguins

We were VERY interested in the penguins!

Her eyes were GLUED too the animals, It was just so much fun to watch her watch them.

Pretty Tiger, but he wouldn't look at us :(

My little travel bug :)

We LOVED the birds!

I dont normally like bats, but I thought it was cute how she is sleeping with her baby.

Look its Joe :) J/K

Katey was not very good at taking her naps, OR nursing

There was just too much going on and we didn't want to miss anything!

Hanging with Daddy

"I'll be ok...."

"As long as I can keep ahold of my Dada."
Who's got her daddy wrapped around her little finger?
Who's got her daddy wrapped around her little finger?

Looking in at the Giraffe, we thought he was pretty cool!"

I love that you can see her face in the reflection as Daddy points something out to her. He is such a good Daddy and it was so much fun to watch him expectantly show her everything!

Of course she had to point somethings out to Daddy too!

We went and saw the baby elephant too, he was sooo cute!

He went over in the middle of all of them and SAT down and played in the dirt!

This guy reminds me of my big brother when he's tired. "I'll rise,but I REFUSE to shine!"

Such a fun day, so much to do and see and NO time for sleeping. Mommy got a few quick cuddles in moments of weekness and they were priceless!
I liked the Zoo before, but it takes on an entirely new shine when you have a little one with eyes so wide with curiousity that your not sure how they fit on her head. Just another amazing joy of parenthood!
I liked the Zoo before, but it takes on an entirely new shine when you have a little one with eyes so wide with curiousity that your not sure how they fit on her head. Just another amazing joy of parenthood!